Media Information for 2007 State Cross Country



As in the past, no formal request for media credentials to the 2007 Iowa State Girls’ and Boys’ Cross Country Championships on Saturday, October 27 at Kennedy Park north of Fort Dodge is required.  There is no reserved parking and it has not been a hardship on media personnel in the past.


Media wishing to take photos and collect results should report to the Kennedy Park clubhouse, north of the Fort Dodge airport, and register for the results that they wish to receive. Those results will be available in the clubhouse following the meet.


Any media wishing to take photos along the course will need to come to the clubhouse to pick up a photo badge. No media members are allowed to be on the awards balcony during or after the presentations.  If you will need a posed group photo, work with the coach.


Results from all races will be posted on both the boys and girls’ websites once each race is deemed official.